Presence is Power
Online Counseling, Meditation & Mindfulness
Therapy is so personal and unique to each client. I find that journey to be a winding road back to oneself and ultimately to your true inner power. My intent is to support you on this road and help you get in touch with your goals and ultimate dreams…
My approach is warm, empathic, depth-oriented, and empowering to the client. I incorporate mindfulness and meditation to help accelerate my clients' personal growth and expansion. I honor and respect every client's boundaries and desire for what they want out of therapy. I find that the best work is achieved when the trust we have built together in therapy is strong. This allows your therapy to evolve as you do…
Please email or call me at (310) 463-2444 for a consultation on virtual therapy or mindfulness and meditation groups.
Mindfulness is the bullet train to freedom.
Elizabeth Winkler, LMFT
My work as a therapist deepened exponentially when I integrated mindfulness into the therapeutic process. I quickly saw how effective this practice was for clients.
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Heart Surgery™ for Difficult Emotions
Heart Surgery™ is a mindfulness process I created that teaches/empowers children how to be present and process challenging emotions in the body. It is used for for clearing any tension or stuck feelings in the body. How it Works I ask the kids if I can employ them all to be “scientists and investigators” for me…
L.O.V.E. Redefined After Divorce
“Sanskrit has 96 words for love; ancient Persian has 80, Greek three, and English only one. This is indicative of the poverty of awareness or emphasis that we give to that tremendously important realm of feeling. Eskimos have 30 words for snow, because it is a life-and-death matter to them to have exact information about…
Awakenings in Real Life #3 Interview
Grateful to be interviewed @rubymercadol @kathrynchayalubow about my journey through many losses & suffering which led me to challenges, insights, awakenings & opportunities to evolve. Want to hear 👂 more? Listen here
“OM” For The Holidays
The holidays can be very stressful. From endless expectations to the pressure to buy presents, one can easily be overwhelmed. Add separation and divorce to this busy time of year and you have even more shuffling and stressors to deal with. Our culture tends to get focused on PRESENTS during the holidays, but I’d like…
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Woman's Health
Beverly Hills Courier
Refinery 29
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Beverly Hills Counseling
Introducing the Heart Surgery™ Process and Mindfulness Kit
Elizabeth Winkler and her team are proud to announce the arrival of Heart Surgery™. Heart Surgery™ is a process Elizabeth created two years ago with her son, Eli, who was crying in bed one evening. Since then, Elizabeth has taught this process to a variety of children and adults in hope to free the emotional heart from pain and suffering. As a psychotherapist, Elizabeth’s desire is to provide a path to freedom for everyone, and she hopes this process will allow more children to grow up without the stories that recycle pain and suffering.
Heart Surgery™ Kit for Kids is now available for families to easily use at home, in restaurants, airplanes, car rides, and during any challenging time. This kit will transform those tantrums and traveling challenges into opportunities to expand children to be more capable, empowered, and resilient. We cannot wait to see how families and children respond to this process around the world.
The Heart Surgery ™ Team
Often I say, learn the art of love. What I really mean is: learn the art of removing all that hinders love. It is a negative process. It is like digging a well - you go on removing layers of earth, stones, rocks and then suddenly there is water. The water was always there as an undercurrent. When you remove all barriers, the water is available. So with love. Love is the undercurrent of your being. It is flowing, but there are many rocks, much earth to be removed. That is what I mean when I say: learn the art of love. It is really not learning love but unlearning the ways of un-love.
Swami Chaitanaya Keerti