woman with hat and long flower dress dancing in the sand on the beach

How to Embrace Simple Self-Care and Navigate Wellness Overwhelm

Learn how to put the self back in self-care and overcome wellness overwhelm. Spoiler alert: Simplicity is the name of the game.

“We can no longer view self-care as a luxury reserved for those with ample time and resources. Rather, it [should] become a necessity,” shares Elizabeth Winkler, LMFT, a psychotherapist and certified meditation teacher in Beverly Hills. Self-care doesn’t have to be costly, laborious, or time-consuming. “My morning meditation practice costs nothing and allows me to decide how much time I want to dedicate to it,” she offers as an example.

To read more, view the full article 'How to Embrace Simple Self-Care and Navigate Wellness Overwhelm'


Written by Michele Ross at HUM Nutrition Inc.